Author Archives: karen
Your Shoulder Has Feelings Too
An approach to health and healing from inside and outside the Western Medicine box Claire was seeing me for what I determined to be a frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis. Her condition was apparently instigated by a flu vaccine. … Continue reading
Which Will Kill Our At-Risk Population First: COVID-19 or our Social Isolation Measures?
Like us all, I have questions. But first, I am not an immunology or epidemiology expert, or a public policymaker for that matter. I appreciate the efforts all of those who are the above. I respect them deeply. I don’t … Continue reading
Physical Therapy Is Essential
Physical therapy is considered “essential.” What makes my work essential? If you ever had to deal with debilitating pain or struggled to function following an injury, you would probably agree my wholistic physical therapy service is essential. As the owner … Continue reading